Hello to all from The Pastures of Rose Creek!
"We have enjoyed a roast, steak and ground beef so far and all have been deeee-licious! ... Great to know there are folks like you nearby who are dedicated to farming the natural way. We will definitely be circling back with you in a few months for some more yummy grass-fed beef." - Satisfied customer, Watkinsville
Also, we have some amazing PECANS being sold at our market table this week! Read on to discover more about these delicious nuts!
And many of you have asked how you can help promote our farm as a new and budding business - we greatly appreciate the interest and support! The best forms of marketing are satisfied customers and word of mouth.
We also have a new and growing Facebook business page. So, if you've enjoyed our produce and/or beef and would like to help us out - spread the word! Or hop on Facebook and like our page....or even better, write a comment about your experience! We love and greatly appreciate all of the support from all of our wonderful customers and friends!
And now news from the farm....
Many of you are already familiar with the Pastures of Rose Creek Farm...but you may also know it as the old Breedlove Dairy Farm - or maybe you know it as that beautiful piece of property on Colham Ferry with a farm house tucked in the back and a yard shaded by a stately pecan grove. These pecan trees are not only a landmark, but also have a distinct history and have been around for almost a century producing delicious, smooth tasting, creamy pecans.
Will and Francie, Ann and Claire before them, and their ancestors before them have deep rooted memories under these pecan trees. Most recently, Francie's own wedding was right under their very limbs. The history...the love and memories that those trees bore witness to for nearly a century- find their way into those pecans...and I guarantee it's that loving history that makes these pecans the best pecans you'll ever taste.
And more than just their wonderful stories and great flavor, pecans in general, have enormous health benefits. So here they are, their nutrition facts in a "nutshell"...
- A handful a day keeps the doctor away...really! A handful of pecans contains a high amount of vitamin E - an important antioxidant that is key in providing neurological protection against cell damage found in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer and heart disease.
- The antioxidants found in a handful of pecans also reduce cholesterol. A pecan enriched diet lowers cholesterol by 11.3% and "bad" cholesterol by 16.5%.
- Studies also show that pecans greatly aid in weight loss management.
- Finally 1 oz (or about 20 halves) contain 10% of your daily fiber and 19 essential vitamins - including A, E, calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamin B1, and a great source of protein.
They are great for Thanksgiving, in a pie, over a salad...
OR the farm's favorite: sprinkled over yogurt and drizzled with honey (we love the local honey from our friends at Covenant Farms!...also at the farmer's market!)
So come on out to the Watkinsville Farmer's Market this weekend to taste a piece of Rose Creek history!
Ok, ok - I know I keep saying that it's the last week for peppers - but they just NEVER quit. They're pretty miraculous and we don't have the heart to pull them up yet!
Also....don't forget about our EGGS-traordinary farm-fresh EGGS!
Also at our table...
Aji Dulce Peppers
Americana peppers (bell peppers with a kick)
Banana Peppers
Bell Peppers
New Mexico Green Chiles
Mixed Greens
Mustard Greens
Radishes (Red and White varities)
Tabasco peppers
Thai Dragon Peppers
**Come check out other surprise veggies we may have to offer!**
BAKED GOODS by Dana (Watkinsville Market):
No biscotti this week....sorry!! 
For the love of community and all things farming...
Your local farmers,
Will Powers and John & Dana Bradford...and of course, Francie! :)
The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA
(575) 613-2029