Friday, April 26, 2013

All Hail Kale!

Hello all!  Despite the slight chance of rain tomorrow - the farmers market will be up and running and will be offering a new and exciting event.  This Saturday the market will be hosting it's first Children's Workshop on gardening and farming.  It is the first of many to be scheduled the fourth Saturday each month for the next 8 months.  This week the activity will involve making newspaper pots and planting tomato seedlings.  Check out the Farmer's Market Blog at Oconee Patch for more details about the event... 
 And really, in the world of farming we have come to understand that below 50% chance of rain really means NO chance - those weathermen just like to get our hopes up. :)  So, no excuses - we hope to see y'all at the market!  :)  Read on to find out about our veggie of the week (some recycled material for ya..), a yummy recipe and what we'll have this week at our table!


Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!  It's...It's...It's...KALE?!?

Ok, so maybe kale can't really leap a building in a single bound but eat enough of it and YOU probably could!  So, move over Superman....heck!...move over Popeye, too!  The new SUPERFOOD is here and on our market table.  

And there's a reason why this veggie is gaining popularity and has earned it's name as the "Queen of Greens."  There are a MULTITUDE of health benefits to kale.  

Numero Uno being  that it is SUPER rich in vitamin K - 1 cup contains 1,020% of your daily value!!!  Vitamin K is known as the anti-cancer vitamin and is especially important in reducing the overall risk of developing cancer.  

Furthermore - that 1 little cup of kale contains only 36 calories, has 5 grams of fiber, and 15% of your daily requirement of calcium and vitamin B6.  Shall i go on?  Ok, I will....40% magnesium, 180% vitamin A, 200% vitamin C and is a also a great source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus.  

So what do you do with this abundantly beneficial brassica?  Well it makes a great cooking greens for starters - use it as you would collards or spinach.  Or quickly wilt it with lemon juice and serve as a salad topped with your favorite arrangements of fruits and nuts (great with goat cheese or feta too)!  Juice it and put it in your morning smoothie. Dehydrate or bake to make kale chips. Or try our yummy recipe this week Kale Slaw! does a body good!  Get it this weekend at our table at the Watkinsville Market. 

the recipe...

Kale Slaw...
  • serves 8
  • prep time: 25 minutes
  • 1 bunch kale, remove stems and thinly slice
  • 1-2 carrots, shredded
  • 1/2 orange, juiced
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 1/2 red onion, very thinly sliced
  • 3 tbsp mayonaise
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • salt and ground pepper to taste
  1. Toss kale with carrot, orange juice, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Using your hands rub the citrus juices into the kale.
  2. Let stand about 3 minutes to absorb flavors.
  3. Fill a bowl with ice water.
  4. Bring a pan of water to a boil - add onions to boiling water.  Cook until onion starts to soften - about 15-20 seconds.
  5. Drain and immediately add onions to ice water.  Drain ice water and blot the onion with a paper towel.  Add onion to kale mixture.
  6. Stir olive oil and mayonnaise into kale mixture and toss to coat.
  7. Divide into 8 even portions and enjoy!

beyond produce...

Don't forget to check out some samples of Groovy Groover Monograms and the beautiful pottery from Bradford Pottery.  Stay tuned for an email invite for the official GRAND OPENING of Bradford Pottery in Bishop.  Scheduled for Saturday, May 11 from 4:00-7:00 pm.

Until then - you can find John and his many pots at: 

Bradford Pottery
4860 Macon Hwy Bishop 30621

Hours: Wed - Sat 10am - 6pm
          Sun 12 - 5pm

what we got...
  • produce & such...
              - Butter head lettuce
              - Romaine
              - some Mixed Green
              - some Spinach
              - Carrots (just a few bunches this week!)
              - Kale
              - Eggs - pasture raised

* A note on eggs:  Our chickens are temporarily declining in production due to their natural molting cycle.  Have patience with us - our production will be increasing again soon enough.  We would like to continue to offer pre-ordered dozens - but this will be based on a first come, first serve basis.  Let us know via email if you'd like to reserve any - we'll let you know if we can comply.
  • baked goods...
               - Cranberry - Almond Biscotti
               - Apple Cinnamon Tarts
               - Bourbon- Pecan Tarts

We hope to see each one of your lovely faces tomorrow at the market!

For the love of community and all thing farming...

Your local farmers,

Will, John & Dana...and Matt and Francie too!
The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA 30677

Friday, April 19, 2013

Lettuce Talk About Monogrammin'

Hello everyone!  My how the week does fly! Read on to discover a delicious recipe, a new addition to the table and what's in store for our table tomorrow.

And now...drum roll please!, showcasing our prize butter head lettuce - young and tender...succulent heads of brilliant green!  These lovelies go fast when they hit the stand!

lettuce talk...

And for a good reason too!  Eating fresh lettuce leaves are an excellent source of nutrition!  Not only is lettuce a low calorie green veggie - one serving also packs a powerful, nourishing punch!...247% of your daily vitamin A and TONS of beta-carotene (which converts to MORE vitamin A).  It is also rich in vitamins K, C and other vital minerals.  Which all translates to a happy healthy body - improved skin, and vision (vitamin A), resistance against infectious agents (vitamin C) and help to ward off diseases such as osteoporosis and Alzheimer's (vitamin K)...just to name a few.

The salad recipe below is a perfectly delicate addition to your "spring plate" and also uses our deliciously sweet carrots and mildly peppered icicle radishes.

the recipe...

Spring Vegetable Salad....
  • serves 2
  • prep time: a blink of an eye!
  • 2.5 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1.5 tbsp olive oil
  • coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 1 butter head lettuce
  • 1-2 radishes cut into thin strips
  • 1-2 carrots thinly sliced (all from yours truly, of course!)
  • 1 oz of your favorite sprouts
  1. whisk together vinegar and oil.  season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. tear lettuce into bite sized pieces and add the radishes and carrots
  3. toss with dressing.  top with sprouts...enjoy!
gettin' groovy with monograms...

Baby blankets? Towels? T-shirts? Bags? Your favorite tie?...Your kids underwear?....just monogram it!  This week we are featuring some examples of our good friend and neighbor, Breanna Groover's monogrammed items....great for gift ideas (especially for brides & expecting mama's to be!)..we'll have a small sample on the table tomorrow - but breanna does it all from wreaths, to clothes, to name it - she'll monogram it!  You can find her and her creative, monikered line on her facebook page, "Groovy Groover Monograms" (  or pick up her info at the market tomorrow!   

bradford pottery....

Another great source for gift ideas or just for personal enjoyment - Bradford Pottery is now open for business in downtown Bishop.  There you will find an assortment of beautiful, functional stoneware fired on site in a gas kiln and also nearby - on the farm in his hand built wood-fire kiln.

The GRAND OPENING is tentatively planned for the evening of May 11  - we will keep you posted!  It will certainly be a worthwhile and fun event!

Until then - you can find John and his many pots at: 

Bradford Pottery
4860 Macon Hwy Bishop 30621

Hours: Wed - Sat 10am - 6pm
          Sun 12 - 5pm

what we got...
  • produce & such...
              - Butter head lettuce
              - Romaine
              - Icicle radishes
              - Carrots (just a few bunches this week!)
              - Kale
              - Pecans - lovingly handpicked and shelled
              - Eggs - pasture raised

A note on eggs:  Our chickens are temporarily declining in production due to their natural molting cycle.  Have patience with us - our production will be increasing again soon enough.  We would like to continue to offer pre-ordered dozens - but this will be based on a first come, first serve basis.  Let us know via email if you'd like to reserve any - we'll let you know if we can comply.
  • pottery from Bradford Pottery...
              - mugs, bowls, vases
              - beautiful, earthy, handcrafted
  • baked goods...
               - Cranberry - Almond Biscotti
               - Bourbon- Pecan Tarts
               - Smoked Pecans

We hope to see each one of your lovely faces tomorrow at the market!

For the love of community and all thing farming...

Your local farmers,

Will, John & Dana...and Matt and Francie too!
The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA 30677

Friday, April 12, 2013

Smoke It Yourself, Gallery Opening and More!

Hello everyone!  Hope the week finds everyone well!  

This Saturday we have an extra special treat for all of you gearing up for the grilling season - enjoying the afternoons lingering to twilight, hanging out with friends and family, brewskie in hand and grill fired up.  This year try grilling out with a "smokin" twist with our pecan wood chips.  And you don't need a smoker to enjoy the delicious smokey pecan flavor added to of your favorite foods. 

Or if you want the flavor sans the grilling - try our Pecan Smoked Pecans this week - a Savage-Power creation the boys "smoked up" while enjoying a relaxing Spring evening and a round of horseshoes down by the can almost taste the leisure and relaxation - a little sample of the dog days to come...

And read on to discover just how to do SIY ("Smoke It Yourself) and more of what you'll find at our table this week...oh! AND a gallery opening in the wings too!

how to....

Pecan Wood Chips - smoking on the grill....
  • THE EASY WAY.... sprinkle some Pastures of Rose Creek Pecan Wood Chips over your charcoals to add that savory pecan smoked flavor.
  1. Prepare the gas barbecue for the desire temperature. For long slow-cooked meats like baby back pork ribs or beef brisket, use a lower temperature, such as 250 degrees F. For meats that cook quickly, like burgers, steaks and sausages, use medium-high to high heat.
  2. Place the wood chips in a disposable aluminum broiler pan. These pans are available at most supermarkets.
  3. Set the broiler pan over one burner at one end of the barbecue. Once the wood chips smolder, reduce the heat under the broiler pan to low or turn it off so the wood chips smolder slowly and continually. Keep all the other burners on.
  4. Use an oven thermometer or the built-in thermostat on your barbecue to help regulate the temperature of the barbecue.
  5. Close the barbecue cover until the desired temperature of your barbecue is reached, then place the meats on the grill at the opposite end from the smoldering wood chips and cook. For longer grilling times, add more soaked wood chips to the broiler pan as needed.
bradford pottery opens it's doors....

Calling all pottery lovers, admirers and enthusiasts!...Bradford Pottery is now open for business!  Stop on by to check out John's new gallery space in the heart of Bishop...can't miss it - right across the street from "Antique Road" on 441...big blue building with "POTTERY" spelled out in neat, white letters.  

The gallery is stocked with beautiful earthy pieces from John's latest anagama wood firing plus some new eye catching pieces from his recent gas firing.  Also, fellow potter and former tenant of the space - Dottie Schaefer - will be showcased there.

In addition to the gallery space, John has a beautiful open studio - where interested parties can view the magical, mesmerizing process of throwing on a wheel and soon will be able to take classes themselves (in the process of acquiring more wheels - anyone out there know of any for sale?).

The GRAND OPENING is tentatively planned for the evening of May 11  - we will keep you posted!  It will certainly be a worthwhile and fun event!

Until then - you can find John and his many pots at: 

Bradford Pottery
4860 Macon Hwy Bishop 30621
(575) 224-1369

Hours: Wed - Sat 10am - 6pm
          Sun 12 - 5pm

what we got...
  • produce & such...
              - Carrots
              - Butter Head Lettuce
              - Arugula
              - Mixed Greens
              - Kale
              - Pecans - lovingly handpicked and shelled
              - Eggs - pasture raised

A note on eggs:  Our chickens are temporarily declining in production due to their natural molting cycle.  Have patience with us - our production will be increasing again soon enough.  We would like to continue to offer pre-ordered dozens - but this will be based on a first come, first serve basis.  Let us know via email if you'd like to reserve any - we'll let you know if we can comply.
  • pottery from Bradford Pottery...
              - mugs, bowls, vases
              - beautiful, earthy, handcrafted
  • baked goods...
               - Cranberry - Almond Biscotti
               - Apple Cinnamon Tarts
               - Bourbon- Pecan Tarts
               - Smoked Pecans

We hope to see each one of your lovely faces tomorrow at the market!

For the love of community and all thing farming...

Your local farmers,

Will, John & Dana...and Matt and Francie too!
The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA 30677

Friday, April 5, 2013

Some New Faces....

Hello everyone!  Less than 24 hours until the start of the farmers market season.  You'll find us this Saturday 8 am - 1 pm downtown Watkinsville, on Main St - right in front of the courthouse.  Can't miss us!  We'll be there with about 30 other vendors - selling everything from veggies to baked goods to artisan crafts.  Early birds who stop by our table may even get a little bonus surprise...  

Read on to discover just what we'll have, a yummy recipe and an introduction to some new faces (...reverse that order).

new faces....

By now, many of you already know our farm manager Will Powers...aka Willy P., Chilly Willy, or just plain "Wheel" - the jovial farmer who often is mistaken for Brad Pitt (circa "A River Runs Through It").  :)  Then there is John the Potter and me, the biscotti lady, Dana.  But we're old news.  We do have some additions to the farm that we are excited about and who you may see at the market as well...

We are very excited to now have Matt Savage (Will's cousin...get a load of these last names!) working on the farm.  The "Savage Power" Combo is a dynamic force sweeping the farm and has been a huge asset to our progress.  Not to mention his awesome chef-ing skills.  Matt comes to us from The Branded Butcher and Farm 255 before that - and creates the most scrumptious food creations you've ever experienced.   Try his Bourbon Pecan or Cinnamon Apple Tarts this weekend at the market!  

We are also thrilled to introduce Francie Pastor - who many of you may already know as Francie Powers - Will's sister.  Francie is here lending her bright mind, creative spirit, and diligent hands to the farm that she grew up on.  Her delicious toasted pecans you'll find on our market table come from the very branches she swung from as kids with Will and was married under very recently.  We hope to use her imaginative writing skills in our upcoming blogs/emails...a very special treat for our readers! 

a recipe....

Grilled Romaine with Gorgonzola & Francie's Toasted Pecans
Serving Size: 2      Total Time:  25 minutes
  • 1 head romaine (cut in half lengthwise) - from the Pastures of Rose Creek, or course!
  • 2.5 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/4 c. balsamic vinegar
  • 1/3 c. gorgonzola, crumbled
  • 1/3 cup toasted pecans - from our market table - where else?
  • Preheat grill to high heat
  • Heat 1/2 tbsp of the olive oil in a saucepan on med-high heat.  Add the  pecans.  Heat for 2 minutes.
  • Reduce heat a touch and add balsamic vinegar and 1 tbsp olive oil.  Stir to combine.  Remove from heat and set aside.
  • Brush the romaine with the remaining olive oil. Place on the grill cut side down and quickly sear.
  • Serve the lettuce cut side up and drizzle the balsamic, pecan mix.  Sprinkle with gorgonzola.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
what we got...
  • produce & such...
              -Icicle Radishes
              -maybe some Arugula & Mixed Greens
              -Pecans - lovingly handpicked and shelled
              -Eggs - pasture raised

A note on eggs:  Our chickens are temporarily declining in production due to their natural molting cycle.  Have patience with us - our production will be increasing again soon enough.  We would like to continue to offer pre-ordered dozens - but this will be based on a first come, first serve basis.  Let us know via email if you'd like to reserve any - we'll let you know if we can comply.
  • pottery from Bradford Pottery...
              - mugs, bowls, vases
              - beautiful, earthy, handcrafted
  • baked goods...
               - YES!  Cranberry-Almond Biscotti is BACK!!
               - Apple Cinnamon Tarts
               - Bourbon- Pecan Tarts
               - Toasted Pecans

We hope to see each one of your lovely faces tomorrow at the market!

For the love of community and all thing farming...

Your local farmers,

Will, John & Dana...and Matt and Francie too!
The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA 30677