Friday, May 10, 2013

Spa Day with Mom!

Wondering what to do for Mother's Day this year?  Look no further than this blog!  Try a DIY spa day with mom!  Pick out your favorite nail polish, turn on a girly movie and whip together a delicious carrot mask.  Yup!, I said it....Carrot MASK.  You know, for your face.  Read on to discover all the benefits and recipe for this easy to make mask - and it really can't get any easier than stopping by the Oconee Farmers Market tomorrow to pick up your carrots at our table!   And don't forget that wonderful honey from Covenant Valley Farms, to add to the mix too!

Carrot Mask

·       2 medium carrots – powerful antiseptic to kill germ and protect skin with antioxidants. Carrots help protect the skin from free radicals and promote the regeneration of healthy skin cells.
·       1 Tbsp honey – also antiseptic and reduces swelling
·       1 Tbsp olive oil – nourishes and cleans the skin
·       1 lemon – astringent and acidic.  This maintains the acid mantel of your skin which keeps in moisture and keeps out germs.

1. Peal the carrots and steam until soft.
2. Mash the carrots into a creamy consistency.
3. Mix in 1 tbsp. of all natural honey.
4. Stir in 1 tbsp. of olive oil.
5. Squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon juice into the face mask mixture. Lemon is a natural astringent and will help clean greasy skin.  If your skin tends to dry easily, add only 8 to 10 drops; if you skin tends to be oily, add up to 1 tbsp. of lemon juice.
6. Use a spoon to drop small amounts onto your hands and gently massage the mask onto your whole face for several minutes.
7. You can keep it on for an additional 5  minutes.
8. You can then just wash it off with water in a sink or easier – in the shower.
P.S.  This is all food ingredients to after, any that you don’t use on your face – you can eat!
P. S. S.  If you go to a spa for this, it could cost $40 – $140!