Carrot Mask
· 2 medium carrots – powerful antiseptic to kill germ
and protect skin with antioxidants. Carrots help protect the skin from free
radicals and promote the regeneration of healthy skin cells.
· 1 Tbsp olive oil – nourishes and cleans the skin
· 1 lemon – astringent and acidic.
This maintains the acid mantel of your skin which keeps in moisture and keeps
out germs.
Peal the carrots and steam until soft.
Mash the carrots into a creamy consistency.
Mix in 1 tbsp. of all natural honey.
Stir in 1 tbsp. of olive oil.
Squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon juice into the face mask mixture. Lemon
is a natural astringent and will help clean greasy skin. If your skin
tends to dry easily, add only 8 to 10 drops; if you skin tends to be oily, add
up to 1 tbsp. of lemon juice.
Use a spoon to drop small amounts onto your hands and gently massage the
mask onto your whole face for several minutes.
You can keep it on for an additional 5 minutes.
You can then just wash it off with water in a sink or easier – in the
P.S. This is all food ingredients to after, any that you don’t use on
your face – you can eat!
P. S. S. If you go to a spa for this, it could
cost $40 – $140!