Monday, July 8, 2013

Funion with Punions...

Is it Monday already?  Wow.  Well this Monday, I am feeling less than inspi-ring...pungent is how I might describe it. It may just bring tears to your eyes. what is the veggie this week?  Read between the punny layers and you may come to the root of it....

A-peeling Allium

Did you get it?  Or is it still too early in the week for punions?  Alright - I'll give it to you....

The veggie of the week is ONIONS!!  And not just any ol' bloomin' onion - a small delicately flavored, yellow Spanish onion. 

It's so delicate and slightly sweet...almost lush... you can eat it raw without that sharp bite most onions delicate that you may not even cry when you cut into it - truly!  And the best part - it comes with the greens that can be used as scallions (our fave is to fry 'em up in bacon fat!  yum, yum!)

And onions have a multitude of health benefits....

and because there are just so many benefits I am sending you all a link enumerating and expanding on all the many, many advantages to that age old adage..."An onion a day keeps the doctor away..."

a recipe.

A simple & refreshing cucumber-onion salad

All you need....
  • cucumbers
  • onion
  • balsamic  (try the delicious balsamic from The Granary...even comes in a re-useable-refillable bottle!)
  • sesame seed oil
  • dill
  • salt and pepper 
The method...
  • Slice up the cucumber and onions - toss together
  • Add balsamic to taste
  • Add a dash of sesame oil
  • ...and a dash of dill...salt and pepper to taste
  • and Serve!

Scarecrow with an Identity Crisis.

Thank you to all who have contributed to our "Name the Scarecrow" competition.  Our list is incredibly creative!   We are currently compiling the names - our impartial, undisclosed panel of judges will make their final decision this week.

The name will be officially announced in next week's email along with the winner of   $1,000,000 and a NO EXPENSES PAID vacation for two to Hawaii!....and/or a basket of veggies and farm fresh eggs.

Our markets this week...

Catch us this week at any of the following markets...

1.  TUESDAY - Oconee Farmer's Market - 4-7 pm - downtown Watkinsville on the lawn  of the First Christian Church

2.  THURSDAY - Central Bishop Market - 4-7 pm - downtown bishop in the Bradford Pottery parking lot

3.  SATURDAY - Oconee Farmer's Market - 8am-1pm - downtown Watkinsville in front of the courthouse

What we'll have...
  • onions!
  • cucumbers
  • the last of our season's squash
  • the first budding tomatoes (maybe! - pray for more sunshine!)
  • farm fresh eggs
  • pottery
  • biscotti (Saturday market only)
  • and any other surprise veggies we may have :)
hope to see you all this week!

For the love of community and all things farming....

Your local farmers,

Billiam, Matty, Johnny Cakes & the Biscotti Lady

The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA 30677