Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Drink your Greens!

Hi there folks and greetings from the Sunny East Antarctic Plateau!   Here we are caught in the icy grasp of the arctic’s polar vortex and I write to you, appealing to you to come out for the Bishop Central Market this Saturday 10 am – 2 pm (only two markets left for the winter season!).  By this weekend though, we will be released from the blustery clutches of the vortex and ready ourselves for a heat wave, with temperatures reaching as high as 66!   Can you imagine??  (Anyone to show up in a bathing suit will receive a high five and a free bag of veggies.)

Although many of our winter veggies may not have survived the sub-freezing temps – our hardier greens, like collards and kale still abound…and some root veggies may have made it too!  And of course the already frozen beef didn’t mind the cold.  But it is the hardy greens that we focus on this week as we continue our New Year’s review with an innovative collards recipe and a potent resolution.

Raise your glass…
2014.  The year I made my first honest attempt at a New Year’s resolution.  At 31 years, I have never in fact pledged a resolution….well, until now.  2014 – a nice stable number. It just seems like a good year for it.  That and for Christmas Santa brought me a second hand blender along with Julie Morris’ “Superfood Smoothies” – a recipe book of epic proportions. 

So, yes.  My 2014 New Year’s Resolution is “a smoothie a day…” – meals in a glass instead of a plate - preferably for breakfast, before the day really starts and I find too many excuses. 

And I really have to hand it to myself, it’s going great.  It’s so easy!  And the benefits are almost immediate.  Beyond just feeling really good, I’ve noticed it most in my vision.  I feel like I am seeing the world in HD....Dana in HD.   Kale Chocolate is the go to and favorite.  Today it was Mint Chip with spinach & coconut water.  Tomorrow…maybe Chamomile Strawberry?  

A new recruit.
It’s been so successful that I have actually drawn my sister into the whirlpool of my blender.  It was an easy sale.  As she is a self proclaimed “lazy eater.”  So the idea of drinking rather than chewing her food was appealing. 

Our first day tackling the superfood smoothie challenge was gonna be a big one – wake up at dawn, smoothie for breakfast, go for a run, come back for some yoga, maybe ride our bikes into town later for a healthy lunch, and then because we had been so good, indulge ourselves with a couple episodes of “Golden Girls” and chinese food for dinner.

It was a good plan.  The smoothie of the morning….Goji Berry Orange.  And that’s when it happened… a superfood awakening…a moment of inspiration.   Elder Berries.  I have a whole pound of dried elder berries (don’t ask) crying out to be used – full of antioxidants and flavor… just a small handful could add a new dimension of color and texture to the smoothie.  Brilliant.  The next Julie Morris, right here.  One sip and we knew – it was the best smoothie EVER.  

Kids, don’t try this at home.
And it only took about 15 minutes to feel the effects….15 minutes and our day was shot.  Super sick.  Superfood poisoning.  Superfood Smoothie FAIL.  Apparently elder berry seeds, are mildly toxic.  Who knew?  (Besides google, and the first 20 posted pages when searching elder berries)

Needless to say, the rest of the day was not the marathon and paragon of health we had imagined.  Maybe a marathon of a different kind -  as sister and I spent the rest of the day between bed and our respective bathrooms. …Although we did knock out those episodes of “Golden Girls.”

The moment of truth.
The next morning, feeling remarkably better –as though I could take on the world - I made my way down stairs.  My sister took one look at me and said, with an air of surprise (and maybe a hint of disgust), “Do you always look this good in the morning?”  Sensing an air of sarcasm, I took one look at my reflection and there I was, “bright eyed and bushy tailed” in it’s fullest sense of the expression.  My eyes have never looked so clear, my complexion never so rosy.  My sister too – she looked amazing

And when we realized her kidney infection and my cold were all cleared up – it hit us…we DETOXED.  Albeit accidentally.  Nevertheless, we came to the conclusion that our health inspired day had not been a total bust and perhaps should become a New Year’s tradition…a cleansing and purification ritual to enter the coming year with a clean slate.  Or maybe we’ll just wait for the next superfood “revelation” to come along…

Drink your Greens!
In closing to that anecdote…even a smoothie gone bad, can be good!  Smoothies are an excellent way to fulfill your recommended daily dose of fruits and veggies, a creative way to get yours kids to consume green things, and are much more fun than swallowing a boring vitamin everyday. 

And although Julie Morris’ recipes include ingredients that may require a special order and thorough digging to find, smoothies don’t have to be so elaborate to reap the benefits.  Plus, you can find recipes that include seasonal ingredients – so it’s easy to stick with sustainable and local products. 

For instance, collards and kale are a huge nutrient boost and easy to find this time of year.  Usually considered the more pungent of the brassicas and greens – the stronger flavor of collards and kale can easily be masked with fruits, like bananas…you would never even know a collard was in there!  Get your new year’s dose of collards with a Collard Greens, Mango, Lime Smoothie.

the recipe.
  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 2 c. lightly steamed, chopped collards (or fresh kale, chopped and tightly packed)
  • 1.5 c. frozen mango
  • 1 c. green grapes
  • Water or coconut water to desired consistency (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth, about 1 minute, adding water or coconut water to reach desired consistency.  Enjoy!

Happy smoothie-ing!  And hope to see you rain or shine this Saturday, downtown Bishop!

For the love of community and all things farming…

Your local farmers,

Will, John, Dana, and the farm fam

The Pastures of Rose Creek, LLC
1051 Rose Creek Drive
Watkinsville, GA 30677